Money-back Guarantee

18Nutrition provides a 30-day money back guarantee to all its products. If you are dissatisfied with our product, you can receive a full refund if you return your unopend items within 30 days of delivery. Please contact with our customer support to get a refund.

1. We have 30 days return policy for our products. Please note that we accept unopened bottles only.

2. In order to process Your refund, You must supply 18Nutrition with your name, order ID and delivery address. If You provide us with insufficient or incorrect information, refund will be delayed.

3. In order to qualify for a refund, you must provide us all the information we ask for, and comply with all other terms specified on this website for such purpose.

4. To claim your refund under this guarantee, please contact the support team from the Contact Us page.
Restocking fee may apply.

Phone: 800.614.1820
E-mail: [email protected]